
GameChanger Wallet v2 Beta Documentation

GameChanger Wallet v2 Beta

The Cardano Meta Wallet

GameChanger is a very powerful, customizable, yet friendly, non custodial web light wallet.

Since 2021 unleashes Cardano and eUTXO potential while democratizing users, developers and students access.

The smart design principles of the wallet allows you to import or connect these wallet types to it:

And dapps, devices, users and other agents can use links and QR codes to seamlessly communicate with the wallet.

One wallet to have them all, on Desktop and Mobile, with the same dapp connector.

Examples and special use cases:


Some videos and articles:



GameChanger Wallet v2 Beta GameChanger Wallet v2 Beta GameChanger Wallet v2 Beta GameChanger Wallet v2 Beta




Roberto, Maarten, Quasar, Javi and Mati for all your support

And to the 147.414.000++ votes who tried to support our job on Catalyst Fund10 despite coordinated whales will, don’t give up on Governance, your votes mean a lot for builders in Cardano!

— Founder and Dev Adriano Fiorenza