

to GameChanger Wallet v2 Beta Release

GameChanger Wallet v2 Beta

GameChanger Wallet v2 Beta is now available on Cardano Mainnet after 6+ months of Testnet phase.

This is an early release, hope you enjoy it but use it with caution as things may change in time or break.

The Cardano Meta Wallet

GameChanger is a very powerful, customizable, yet friendly, non custodial web light wallet.

Since 2021 unleashes Cardano and eUTXO potential while democratizing users, developers and students access.

The smart design principles of the wallet allows you to import or connect these wallet types to it:

And dapps, devices, users and other agents can use links and QR codes to seamlessly communicate with the wallet.

One wallet to have them all, on Desktop and Mobile, with the same dapp connector.

What’s new?

Since 2021 empowering users with freedom and low barrier access, after almost 2 years of hard work and almost no funding, this is now in your hands:


Twitter and wallet Notification Inbox will be our primary communication channels to broadcast you latest news, events, links and other info.

Reboots and deprecations

Eventually API schema, protocols and data formats may change during the Beta Phase, be prepared to face these scenarios while using or developing, you may lose funds and data if you don’t backup everything in advance, like:

Decentralized Backend

As you may know so far, GameChanger Wallet is a non custodial web wallet powered by a distributed network of backend nodes runned by our partners Dandelion APIs, it is expected to experience some backend downtimes during the first stages of this community effort. If you want to join as operator, maintainer or just contribute to this great project please get in touch. Dandelion Node Operators may receive incentives in the near future.

API Migration

The new GameChanger Wallet API v2 is a very powerful set of functions that have completely surpassed V1 in many ways. This is the work of almost 2 years, a cutting edge DSL based API for dapps and advanced users in your hands now. We will soon deprecate V1. Please learn yourself a bit of GCScript, and be prepared to migrate your dapps, DAO or SPOs operations to take this quantum leap forward with us.


We will try to reply on official public channels but we ask the community to engage and help others whenever they can.

We are a small team, support us on Project Catalyst if you can, and be kind regarding bugs and services downtimes, collaborate and expect from us the introduction of some revenue channels to ensure sustainability as we want to keep building for you. If you don’t agree with Default Staking or any other feature opt to avoid it. If you learn how to use the wallet, you are truly free.

Wallet developer and his collaborator team has been running live coding sessions every week for almost a year now, don’t miss the opportunity to join us while we dedicate time for you!

Please unless on testnet (and only if you are not reusing the same keys elsewhere for example), DO NOT SHARE PERSONAL OR PRIVATE INFORMATION with anyone, including Express Wallets. This is a non custodial wallet, you are your own bank, nobody else is.


Join us

Whether as an active member of our community or as a developer looking to innovate with us, doors are always open.

Thanks for being part of the web of tomorrow

— Founder and Dev Adriano Fiorenza, and the GameChanger.Finance collaborator team