
Cardano Example Dapps

82 built-in examples on IDE:

1: 🚀 Pay me 1 ADA

This is a payment request. Developer notes: The ‘outputs’ property of the ‘buildTx’ API function allows you to define multi-asset transaction outputs. In Cardano assets are defined by a policyId and an assetName, for ADA we use ‘ada’ in both cases. A GameChanger Wallet Dapp Demo.

2: Minimal Coin Sending Demo

Instead of using key-value maps for list of block code, here we use arrays and number indexes, making code less self explanatory but much smaller. The ‘outputs’ property of the ‘buildTx’ API function allows you to define multi-asset transaction outputs. In Cardano assets are defined by a policyId and an assetName, for ADA we use ‘ada’ in both cases. A GameChanger Wallet Dapp Demo.

3: NFT Minting Demo

Demo that creates a native script and use it as policy to mint an NFT. Image has been previously uploaded and pinned on IPFS. NFTs contains references to the actual images. A GameChanger Wallet Dapp Demo.

4: Deploy Plutus Script

Demo that sends a transaction that includes an inlined Plutus Script and also a datum on outputs. Future transactions can reference this outputs without having to include on-chain the entire data again. A GameChanger Wallet Dapp Demo.

5: Run Deployed Plutus Script

Demo that locks and redeem some coin from a previously deployed smart contract. A GameChanger Wallet Dapp Demo.

6: Run Plutus V2 Script

Demo that locks and redeem some coin from an Always-Succeed Plutus V2 smart contract. A GameChanger Wallet Dapp Demo.

7: Run Plutus V3 Script

Demo that locks and redeem some coin from an Always-Succeed Plutus V3 smart contract. A GameChanger Wallet Dapp Demo.

8: Forty Two (typed)

This contract will lock up some tokens that can only be unlocked providing 42 as typed redeemer and datum.. A GameChanger Wallet Dapp Demo.

9: Forty Two (untyped)

This contract will lock up some tokens that can only be unlocked providing 42 as untyped redeemer and datum.. A GameChanger Wallet Dapp Demo.

10: UTXO Generator

Generates required amount of UTXOs in your wallet to improve multi-transaction concurrency capabilities, for dapps and GCFS filesystem write events. A GameChanger Wallet Dapp Demo.

11: Helios Timelock

Builds an Helios Smart Contract on the fly. First transaction will lock coins setting main staking key as owner, second one will be able to unlock it only after some time and using main spending key. Burner/Gift wallets not recommended. Timelock not exactly tested.

12: Generate 10 Gift Wallets

Generate 10 QR Encrypted Gift Wallets for onboarding students in a class. Files will be downloaded as PNG files for printing or showing on screens

13: Generate 3 Gift Wallets and fund them

Generate 3 QR Encrypted Gift Wallets for onboarding users in an event and fund them with assets on a single transaction to save on fees. Files will be downloaded as PNG files for printing or showing on screens. Password can be customized but here is autogenerated

14: Await conditions

This demo will wait for a timer to reach it’s timeout and then for the current wallet to receive at least 5.25 coins

15: Using console

Let’s use dapp connector internal console to log or debug some events. Run and go to Advanced - Console to read them.

16: Keep Calm NFT

Keep Calm NFT Demo, dinamically generates the image

17: GC Transaction Features

Script that will try out special GC transaction features

18: Import transactions (CBOR)

Import a list of transactions (CBOR hex) into localstorage for debugging and handling them manually with wallet user interface later

19: Official Workspaces Config Generator

Generates wallet configuration layers to re-create official workspaces

20: Encrypter Demo

Encrypts data and exports a ready to use decrypter script

21: Arithmetic Macros

This demo will test and explore basic arithmetic macros

22: Cryptographic Macros

This demo will test and explore basic cryptographic macros

23: String Manipulation Macros

This demo will test and explore basic string convertion and manipulation macros

24: GCFS Multisig Transaction Discovery Demo

Demo that replicates the GCFS search query to retrieve all broadcasted transactions to be signed. The hash (rayId) used is calculated upon sorted transaction hashes (txHash)

25: GCFS Multisig Witness Discovery Demo

Demo that replicates the GCFS search query to retrieve all shared signatures of a particular transaction. The hash (txHash) used is calculated upon transaction cbor hex

26: Internal Multi Signing Demo

Demo that tries to sign 3 transactions with internal spending and staking private keys with any desired multisig provider. Partially sign them over and over again combining providers to try it out.

27: Kobayashi Maru Multi Signing Demo

Demo that tries to sign 3 transactions with unobtainable foreign keys and internal spending and staking private keys

28: Transaction Time to Live Demo

Script that will try the different time validity interval parameters of transaction builder

29: Password Provider Demo

Script that will use password providers to encrypt and decrypt data using by default password a CIP8 signature with current wallet address

30: Subroutines Demo

Script that will test and explore subroutines, similar to functions in structured programming.

31: Script Return Modes Demo

Script that will test and explore the different types of script return modes, allowing batch only operations, data formatting and even data privacy by choosing only what to return from block code context

32: Dynamic Code Attempt Demo

Illegal Script that will execute dynamic code using inline macros

33: Scopes Demo

Script that will test and explore code scopes and inline macro scripting access reach

34: Load Wallet Config Demo

Script that will build and load wallet artifacts: derive child keys, build child addresses and even setup address books on more than one wallet workspace. Workspaces are virtual groups of artifacts that allow users to have a specialized wallet experience like multi-delegation, import a Yoroi or Daedalus wallet, work with enhanced anonymity, or whatever config a dapp requires.

35: Save Wallet Config Demo

Script that will save wallet artifacts on default wallet settings GCFS DiskNFT. Settings can be derived child keys, built child addresses and even setup address books, all these inside different wallet workspaces. Workspaces are virtual groups of artifacts that allow users to have a specialized wallet experience like multi-delegation, import a Yoroi or Daedalus wallet, work with enhanced anonymity, or whatever config a dapp requires.

36: Import Wallet Config Demo

Script that will import and run your saved wallet configuration script. Run SAVE_WALLET_CONFIG_DEMO first and update policyId on GCFS URI

37: CIP-8 Data Signing and Encrypting Demo

Demo that signs data with main and current addresses and their associated reward ones, verifies the signatures and encrypt and decrypt the data using the signatures. Run ‘Wallet Setup Demo’ or create some Workspaces first and switch current addresses to test it out

38: Simple Wallet derivation script

Will derive key pairs and build custom addresses

39: Metadatum Label Edge Cases

Script that will allow checking the full circuit, from building a tx with edge metadatum label cases, to query it then with the APIs on UI to check if there are any encoding issues, overflows or manipulations

40: Search Demo

Script that will search for files across all onchain GCFS file systems

41: Import Demo

Script that will import data and scripts from different kind of allowed sources. (example data is from preproduction testnet)

42: GCFS Disk

Script that will create a GCFS Disk in more than one transaction using API ‘buildFsTxs’ endpoint. Also the script will generate some of the files to be written on chain, one of them is an encrypted GC script

43: Delegate Current Address to PEACE (MAINNET)

Script that delegates current address to [PEACE] pool (mainnet only)

44: Child Keys Multisign

Script that requires signatures from derived child keys in a single simple transaction

45: Multi Stake Delegation

Script that sets up a wallet workspace to generate 3 addresses, to later fund them and delegate their stake to different staking pools on a single transaction. The optional registration transaction is meant to fail when keys are already registered, don’t panic, script is built to succeed anyways

46: Multi Stake Withdrawal

Script that requests 3 child wallet’s reward addresses from an specific workspace, to later withdraw some staking rewards from each of them on a single transaction. You need to have staking rewards on each child wallet and run ‘Multi Stake Delegation’ demo first or load it’s wallet configuration on this device

47: Stake Delegation

Script that registers and delegates stake from custom child derivation in a transaction

48: Stake Withdrawal

Script that withdraw stake rewards from custom child derivation in a transaction

49: Lock and Redeem Smart Contract

Coin locking transaction ( 5 eUTXOs) and later an unlocking one of previously locked coin, in 2 secuential transactions. Using deployed smart contract.

50: Native asset minter and burner

Native asset minter and later burner of previously minted assets, in 2 secuential transactions

51: Build Certificates

Script that builds or imports different kind of certificates

52: Wallet derivation script

Will derive key pairs and build custom addresses

53: Complex Native Scripts

Nested, tagged, complex native script building

54: Transaction Pipeline

Transaction pipeline without UTXO consumption conflicts using deterministic coin selection and UTXO locking

55: Advanced DAPP connection

Connection that requires some wallet data and then signs it with private keys

56: Simple Script No Export

Simple script that has no exported data

57: Simple Script No Export No Return URL

Simple script that has no exported data and no return URL

58: Simple Export

Simple script that exports data

59: Enable Terminal Mode

Script that will adapt the application to work on public terminal devices. WARNING: this cannot be undone!, to revert this you will have to clear browser data

60: DAO Demo

This script will create a workspace to import addresses, scripts, manage funds and signatures from a DAO where you are a powerful member, you have full control when you use 2 of your keys.

61: Macro Edge Cases

This demo will test some edge cases around macro solver and syntax

62: Code Validation Tests

Script that will fail to test local and imported code validation

63: Address Identity Tester

This demo will test addresses default native scripts or ‘Identities’, and explore differencies between ways to obtain them

64: Key derivation formats

Explore the different ways to derive/obtain keys and obtain all results under the same format

65: List addresses in workspace

List and sort all addresses in current workspace

66: List keys in workspace

List and sort all keys in current workspace

67: 2FA

Create a workspace with a Shared Treasury address based on 2 addresses. A second address on the workspace is your main address as Signer

68: Share your public key information

This dapp connection will ask your spending and staking public key hashes

69: Shared Treasury - 3 of 4 signers

Creates a workspace named ‘DAO’ with a ‘Shared Treasury’ address where at least 3 of 4 signer wallets are required for spending and staking operations. A second address on the workspace is caller main address as ‘Signer’. To manage the treasury set ‘Shared Treasury’ address as current. To sign as a member, set ‘Signer’ address instead. Please customize this code with real public key hashes, you can use ‘Share your public key information’ example on each member to obtain them. Please use ‘saveConfig’ function to save this setup on GCFS to avoid losing funds and data

70: Shared Treasury - 3 of 4 signers - using addresses

Creates a workspace named ‘DAO’ with a ‘Shared Treasury’ address where at least 3 of 4 signer wallets are required for spending and staking operations. A second address on the workspace is caller main address as ‘Signer’. To manage the treasury set ‘Shared Treasury’ address as current. To sign as a member, set ‘Signer’ address instead. Please customize this code with real addresses. Please use ‘saveConfig’ function to save this setup on GCFS to avoid losing funds and data

71: Shared Treasury - 3 of 4 signers - funded - Gift Wallets

Creates a workspace named ‘DAO’ with a ‘Shared Treasury’ address where at least 3 of 4 signer Gift wallets are required for spending and staking operations. A second address on the workspace is caller main address as ‘Signer’. To manage the treasury set ‘Shared Treasury’ address as current. To sign as a member, set ‘Signer’ address instead. Customize Gift Wallet generation with proper password settings and distribute them to the signers. This example is not secure as wallet creator has total control over the generated wallets. Please use ‘saveConfig’ function to save this setup on GCFS to avoid losing funds and data

72: Multisig using Unimatrix and Roundtable

Builds 3 multisig transactions and tries to sign them only with local private keys and with remote signers using Unimatrix Sync and Roundtable. Customize required keys to real ones or experience a Kobayashi Maru scenario

73: Simple Kobayashi Maru Multi Signing Demo

Builds and signs 2 transactions with unobtainable foreign keys. Triggers the default multisig strategy to obtain remote signatures through Roundtable and Unimatrix

74: Smart Handles - Swap ADA to MIN on Minswap

Interact with a Smart Handles instance for swapping ADA to MIN, with a routing fee of 1 ADA (preprod). Uses the Minswap V2 instance of Anastasia Labs Smart Handles.

75: Arguments and ISL

Script that will test and explore subroutines, argument passing and ISL execution

76: Address Impersonator

Create a workspace to impersonate a wallet without having their private keys. Wallet operations will trigger multisig transactions. Use to remotely control a wallet or be able to build transactions in behalf of the owner

77: Governance - Key Derivation Paths

Explore Conway Era key derivation

78: Governance - Workspace

A workspace dedicated for Governance, made of 3 DRep keys, 3 CCCold keys and 3 CCHot keys. Welcome to the Conway Era.

79: Governance - Vote Delegation - Abstain

About to sign a transaction with a vote to Always Abstain. Signing with current stake key, if it is already registered, please remove the ‘myRegistration’ certificate on transaction. Works with personal and multisig wallets the same

80: Governance - Vote Delegation - No Confidence

About to sign a transaction with a vote of Always No Confidence. Signing with current stake key, if it is already registered, please remove the ‘myRegistration’ certificate on transaction. Works with personal and multisig wallets the same

81: Governance - Vote Delegation - DRep

About to sign a transaction with a vote delegation to a DRep. Signing with current stake key, if it is already registered, please remove the ‘myRegistration’ certificate on transaction. Works with personal and multisig wallets the same

82: Script Requirements

Using script requirement checks to only allow a certain user wallet context to run this script. Usefull for ‘sticky sessions’ on dapps or for wallet type or network specific scripts

Dapps code was auto-generated by Playground IDE in GameChanger Wallet

