
Transactions / Quick Start

A cross-wallet, cross-platform and cross-language example

“I don’t see the point, show me a bit what I’ve been missing”

Fair enough. Let’s say you want to make someone send coins to Alice and Bob on a single transaction.

Let’s create a payment request on user’s wallets, anyone “connecting” or running this example will be reviewing and signing a P2P (Peer-to-Peer) testnet transaction with a payment to Alice and Bob.

The GCScript code (JSON):

    "type": "script",
    "run": {
        // building an off-chain transaction..
            "type": "buildTx",
            "tx": {
                "outputs": [
                    //1st output of 1 tADA to Alice
                        "assets": [{ "policyId": "ada", "assetName": "ada", "quantity": "1000000"}]
                    //2nd output of 1.5 tADA to Bob
                        "assets": [{ "policyId": "ada", "assetName": "ada", "quantity": "1500000"}]
                // Add these lines if you also want seamless support for multisig wallets 
                // "options": {
                //     "autoProvision": {
                //         "workspaceNativeScript": true
                //     },
                //     "autoOptionalSigners": {
                //         "nativeScript": true
                //     }
                // }
        // signing the transaction with user's private keys
            "type": "signTxs",
            "detailedPermissions": false,
            "txs": [
        // submitting the transaction to a Cardano Node, for going on-chain
            "type": "submitTxs",
            "txs": "{get('cache.sign')}"

Run on Cardano Pre-Production Testnet

🔍 See also: buildTx, signTxs, submitTxs, script

Now this code can be statically or programmatically packed as a URL like this using Playground IDE, our NPM Library and CLI or the programming language of choice:

Then you can

You can generate these URLs in 2 ways:

Statically Programmatically
The fastest and easiest way The suggested way
Pre-generate these URLs statically and just place them where your users need it. Integrate Cardano everywhere. Generate them programmatically on your favorite programming language, this way you can produce and customize your GCScript code where you need it as it is pure JSON, a data format supported everywhere.

Let’s explore some integrations and generation techniques:

URL Statically embedded on HTML websites

<a href=""> Click here to send a payment to Alice and Bob </a>
Try it online: Click here to send a payment to Alice and Bob

URL Statically embedded on markdown

[Click here to sent a payment to Alice and Bob](
Try it online: [Click here to sent a payment to Alice and Bob](

QR Statically embedded on HTML websites

<img src="../img/docs-transactions-overview-example.png"> Scan to send a payment to Alice and Bob </img>
Try it online: Scan to send a payment to Alice and Bob </img>

QR Statically embedded on markdown

![Scan to send a payment to Alice and Bob](/gamechanger.wallet/docs/img/docs-transactions-overview-example.png)
Try it online: ![Scan to send a payment to Alice and Bob](/gamechanger.wallet/docs/img/docs-transactions-overview-example.png)

Generation and redirection from a Javascript frontend with NPM Lib

import gc from '@gamechanger-finance/gc'

const gcScript={...GCScript code here...};

const url = await gc.encode.url({
    input: JSON.stringify(gcScript),
    network: 'preprod',
});, "_blank");

Generation and redirection from a Javascript backend with NPM Lib

import gc from '@gamechanger-finance/gc'
import express from 'express';

const gcScript={...GCScript code here...};

const url = await gc.encode.url({
    input: JSON.stringify(gcScript),
    network: 'preprod',
const app = express();

app.get('/url', (req, res) => {

app.listen(8000, () =>{
        `\n\n🚀 Express NodeJs Backend serving connection URL on http://localhost:8000/\n`

Generation as URL from Bash with CLI

    # save GCScript code in code.gcscript file
    gamechanger-cli preprod encode url -v 2 -f code.gcscript
    # open URL on a browser, or send it through email, social networks, messaging apps, etc..

Generation as QR code from Bash with CLI

    # save GCScript code in code.gcscript file
    gamechanger-cli preprod encode qr -v 2 -f code.gcscript -o scan_me.png
    # use scan_me.png QR code on screens or printed on a public site

Generation and redirection from a Javascript frontend using Vanilla JS (zero-dependencies)

const gcScript={...GCScript code here...};

 *  A pure vanilla js, browser-native,zero dependencies, URL generator using base64url encoder
 *  Note: base64url encoder is ideal as fallback connection method, the best for extreme scenarios like on hardware devices  
async function fallbackUrlEncoder({input,network}){
    const gcApiUrls    = {

    function base64Encode(str){
        const percentToByte=(p)=>String.fromCharCode(parseInt(p.slice(1), 16));
        return btoa(encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%[0-9A-F]{2}/g, percentToByte));
    function base64urlEncode(str){
        return base64Encode(str)
            .replace(/\//g, "_")
            .replace(/\+/g, "-")
            .replace(/=+$/, "");
    var header       = '0-';
    var json         = JSON.stringify(input);
    var base64String = base64urlEncode(json);
    var msg          =`${header}${base64String}`;
    var url          =`${gcApiUrls[network]}${msg}`;
    return Promise.resolve(url);

const url = await fallbackUrlEncoder({
    input: JSON.stringify(gcScript),
    network: 'preprod',
});, "_blank");

For insight on how to integrate on other languages, here is a full example with all vanilla js encoders and decoders (no libraries, zero-dependencies).

Previous: Overview Next: Payments