Consider voting these open source projects:
Problem: CIP-30 is about to be replaced or augmented to work like the first dapp connector GameChanger Wallet had back in 2021, without using this wallet’s 2.5 years journey into consideration
Solution: Due to the large work done, we offer open sourcing the full 2024 v2 dapp connector schema to serve as a reference or CIP itself after a final process of user feedback, maintenance and documentation
Problem: Multisig Wallets, Single User Wallets, Dapps and Backends talk in different dapp connectors and centalized channels which makes Cardano impractical for true decentralized multisig interoperability.
Solution: We will open source our fully working, decentralized, privacy preserving Unimatrix Sync protocol for all kind of Cardano Wallets and Dapps to put an end to multisig interoperability issues.
Problem: Gamechanger protocol and application backend is immensely powerful. And allows for extremely quick dApp creation. A full course explaining this greatness has to be developed.
Solution: Create a 5 step course on the Andamio platform. Using the problem based learning approach.
Problem: From our experience building the first version of the totem we have received feedback to create a more conventional money conversion machine. Like the following device:
Solution: Using the Totem housing we already created. But integrate Innovativ NV-9 bill acceptor and a Hyperpixel 4 and PI Zero 2.
The housing will be available for any wallet builder in the Cardano ecosystem.
Problem: Developers using Dandelion Community APIs do not have a UI tool to query the PostgREST API. Same as Koios, Blockfrost, and deployments relying on PostgresDB filled by cardano-db-sync or ledger-sync
Solution: We will provide an open source UI tool solution for developers for testing and querying Dandelion’s PostgREST API graphically