
Welcome to Catalyst Fund 11 #GameChangerVerse

Consider voting these open source projects:

GameChanger: open-sourcing now to help CIP30 spec upgrade

GameChanger: open-sourcing now to help CIP30 spec upgrade

Problem: CIP-30 is about to be replaced or augmented to work like the first dapp connector GameChanger Wallet had back in 2021, without using this wallet’s 2.5 years journey into consideration

Solution: Due to the large work done, we offer open sourcing the full 2024 v2 dapp connector schema to serve as a reference or CIP itself after a final process of user feedback, maintenance and documentation

GameChanger: open-sourcing Unimatrix to democratize multisig

GameChanger: open-sourcing Unimatrix to democratize multisig

Problem: Multisig Wallets, Single User Wallets, Dapps and Backends talk in different dapp connectors and centalized channels which makes Cardano impractical for true decentralized multisig interoperability.

Solution: We will open source our fully working, decentralized, privacy preserving Unimatrix Sync protocol for all kind of Cardano Wallets and Dapps to put an end to multisig interoperability issues.

Andamio - Gamechanger Helios dAPP and application backend course

Andamio - Gamechanger Helios dAPP and application backend course

Problem: Gamechanger protocol and application backend is immensely powerful. And allows for extremely quick dApp creation. A full course explaining this greatness has to be developed.

Solution: Create a 5 step course on the Andamio platform. Using the problem based learning approach.

Cardano Totem V2: Onboarding the world

Cardano Totem V2: Onboarding the world

Problem: From our experience building the first version of the totem we have received feedback to create a more conventional money conversion machine. Like the following device:

Solution: Using the Totem housing we already created. But integrate Innovativ NV-9 bill acceptor and a Hyperpixel 4 and PI Zero 2.

The housing will be available for any wallet builder in the Cardano ecosystem.

Dandelion PostgREST GUI for developers and students

Dandelion PostgREST GUI for developers and students

Problem: Developers using Dandelion Community APIs do not have a UI tool to query the PostgREST API. Same as Koios, Blockfrost, and deployments relying on PostgresDB filled by cardano-db-sync or ledger-sync

Solution: We will provide an open source UI tool solution for developers for testing and querying Dandelion’s PostgREST API graphically
